Organic Matcha (Green Tea) Powder

Natures Root

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Super Greens

Natures Root

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How Do You Make Matcha Tea?

1) Place half a teaspoon of Matcha Green Tea Powder into a hot water – note it is recommended not to use boiling water
2) Using a mini whisk or a Japanese bamboo whisk, whisk the powder into the water until it becomes silky and frothy
3) Enjoy your drink without any milk or sweetener

Can I Use Matcha Green Tea Powder in Other Drinks and Food?

Matcha Green Tea Powder is a superfood that has been used in cooking and a variety of drink recipes for years but is becoming increasingly popular on the mainstream market. Add our powder to homemade ice cream mixes to get a bright vibrant colour and flavour. Or add it to juices, smoothies and cakes.

About Natures Root


At Natures Root, we recognise the important role that maintaining a healthy diet plays in living a healthy lifestyle and functioning to optimum capacity.

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Matcha Green Tea is believed to bring increased feelings of calm. Settle down after a long, busy day with a cup of Matcha Tea and relish in its rumoured healing powers. It is reported on the Superfoods List to contain an amino acid compound called L-theanine which gives you a ‘feel good’ factor and stimulates brain waves.

  • HEALTH BENEFITS – daily consumption is said to help lower blood pressure  
  • TRADITIONAL – the Japanese have been enjoying Matcha Green Tea for hundreds of years
  • HIGH QUALITY – a vibrant green colour and a smooth taste    
  • SUPERGREEN – understood to have extensive healing qualities
  • CERTIFIED ORGANIC – 100% pure and UK Soil Association certified



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